Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

Hey - Happy Mother's Day to all of you great ladies!I have been a little under the weather so I really wanted to sleep in this morning.  Rowdy of course woke up bright and early.  In my effort to still finish a good dream that I don't even remember now - I let Rowdy play on the floor a little bit - then I heard him choking - he was eating paper.  I tried to look around and see where in the heck he could have gotten a hold of some paper - I noticed that he was gnawing on a a cardboard box from costco.  Some mother I was - letting my 8 month baby gnaw on a box because he was hungry - now I get to get up and celebrate me being a great mother - YEAH, I'm the mother that lets her kids eat cardboard!!!!

No actually, I had a cute morning with my kids serving me breakfast in bed - all the cute handmade gifts etc. . .  After church we had lunch with Doug's mom MaryAnna.  Tally and Nate joined us - it was really relaxing and casual.

Last night we sat out in the front and hung out with just the boys - it was fun.  The girls were babysitting.  My boys can always entertain me so much.

My funny for the day was this:


Anonymous said...

Hey Andi cute blog. Happy Mothers Day! I sent you an invitation to view the Switzer blog.

Shawni said...

Hey Andi...I just wanted to say hi since I saw you on Andrea's blog. I didn't know you had one this blogging world! Talk to you soon.

Stacy G. Anderson said...


Welcome to blog world. I'm gonna be checking in every once in a while just to see how you are doing.

Megan has one too. you ought to check hers out also....


Anonymous said...

That's funny!

Carolyn said...

I love being able to keep up with the Gooch Family. LOL about Mother's Day....I'm sure every mother has had a moment like that! (I know I have)