Monday, October 12, 2009

Love last minute vacations!

We decided to take off on Thursday for Friday to SLC, Utah.  There is much to do and see in Utah for us and we never seem to have enough time to sight see because we have a lot of friends and family to visit.  This time we decided to to and sight see only and have a great time.

We have been excited that Carson & Chelsea are in the new Mark Mabry exhibit "Another testimont of Christ"  We found out that the exhibit was at Joseph Smith Memorial building.  Doug and the rest of the family haven't seen the exhibit yet, so it was really rewarding to go and see that exhibit before it moved on to the next destination.  The entire exhibit is AMAZING!!!!  The guy that did all the photoshop on it was there explaining some of the details of the project - really special.  I love all the pictures.  You can visually see how amazing our Savior is in the pictures.  For more information on the pictures click HERE

We have had a ton of fun - loving spending time with just us!!! We needed a vacation where we could just hand with our little family!


Alli Hunter said...

ANDI!!! I live in Utah, and I'm so offended you didn't stop to see me!!!! No really, that is so fun you just spent time as a family, how special. We might come there for halloween, if we do I'll come by and say hi!

Cheri said...

Cute pics Andy!! We were up there too!!

megan said...

So fun! I hope you had a good trip! And that's so neat that they are in the pictures again! I can't wait to see them in person!

Janelle said...

How fun! I wish we lived closer to Utah to be able to make a quick trip like that. Of course we are close to some other great places out here in the mid west so i shouldn't complain :)We are hitting Detroit next weekend with some friends. It should be fun.