Sunday, February 22, 2009

Lazy Sunday's

We have 8:00 church it is sooooooo hard to make it on time. But the upside is it leaves us a lot of time to spend together as a family.  Today my kids made a fort for Rowdy because he has been sick lately and they wanted to cheer him up.   It was so cute to see him play in "King Rowdy's Castle".

Also Baylie and I had a great afternoon making strawberry jam together.  She is working on some goals for her personal progress.  Great Job! Baylie - it was so YUMMY!!!


Kristen said...

Love the fort. I'm impressed on the canning. You need to teach me!

Arizona Arnolds said...

I love strawberry jam! Way to go Baylie, it looks tasty.

And the fort is beyond cute. King Rowdy fits him.