Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Meet "Dodger"

I actually can't even believe we did it! We were at the Temple on Sat. On our way home there was a sign that said "Puppies for Sale". We stopped and bought a puppy! I know little to nothing about training a dog . . . so we are training each other.

We had talked a few times about getting one. Rowdy has been really lonely since the kids have gone back to school. We knew he could use a full time play mate!

We think he has to be the most adorable little dog ever, he almost looks fake. He looks like a stuffed animal. Part miniture poodle & cockapoo = adorable!!!

Anyway meet "Dodger"


Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you guys!! He is really cute!

Tracey said...

Adorable Andi... it was good to see you last night!

Rhonda said...

He is so cute. And he does almost look like a stuffed animal. I bet the kids are so in love. Having a dog is a great addition to a family. They totally become part of the family. So congrats on the new member of yours. :)