Saturday, December 20, 2008

Michael Meyers will take care of ding-dong ditchers!!! B E W A R E!

Last night Will had a late night with some friends.  We had heard that they would be ding-dong ditching homes last night . . . so we prepared for them.  We turned off all the lights and Doug hid in the bushes.  Our girls had friends over and they were hiding too - it was so fun waiting for the"Brave" 8 yr olds.  They had no idea.  They came up to our home and rang the bell and ran off - but as they were heading out - there was . . .
  M I C H A E L   M E Y E R S  running after them.  They scattered.  Of course they were "too cool" to admit they were scared - ha ha!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

That is an awesome idea. I'll have to keep that in mind for future ding dong ditchers!