Friday, June 27, 2008

Let's Dance . . . . ddddance!

For activity days we took our ward and another ward to Dance Connection Too and shared with them an intro to dance.  We had about 40 girls there!  It was sooo fun.  My friend Traci and Shari taught the class.  They were so fun & sassy - I could see the girls laughing with them - it was great! (. . . and of course I was trying out my camera settings)


Arizona Arnolds said...

Thanks for doing this! The girls had a blast. I love your camera angle. Good thing I don't even know what an appature is!

Anonymous said...

How fun! And your camera lingo...didn't understand a word but one day you can teach me!! And the cameras at wal-mart were only $7.88! For as much fun as we had next time everyone gets one!

Carolyn said...

I love that Traci taught the class.......I can totally see her doing it and making the girls laugh and have a blast....she is awesome and I miss my AZ buddies sooooooooooo much!!!!!!!

megan said...

Fun!! Maybe for reunion they'll have to use the gooch dancing skills with the little girls!! Hope you are doing well!